Product Update | Apr 2021


Of all the actions performed, 99.77% were performed under 1 second. At the beginning of the month, the longest duration of action performance was 00:04:19. In the second half, the longest action took 00:02:10 to perform. To achieve this, we’ve been doing lots of code refactoring and fixing issues displayed on our monitoring tool. If you wish to see the technical release notes, please refer to our latest releases on GitHub.

What’s new?

Set Auto Campaigns for Pipelines

In March, we introduced the Card Segments for creating custom filters in your pipelines. This time, we added those Cards segments as an option for setting Campaigns. For example, you can set automatic emails to be sent when you drag a card to a different stage as they progress along your Deal/Task/Ticket pipelines. Please refer to this post on how to set it up.

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Also, you can now send Campaign messages to Company associated employees:


  • Added Middle Name field available on the Contact Profile and Property pages and as a field type for Forms.
  • Headquarters Country list is available on the Company Profile and Property pages.
  • You can also display custom card Property groups for only certain Boards and Pipelines:
    • If no boards are selected the group will be displayed throughout the Sales Pipeline/Task/Ticket feature.
    • If you selected a Board but left the pipelines unselected, it will be displayed on all pipelines of that Board.
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  • Now you can set the order of your individual custom properties and property groups:
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Team Members

Now you can select the Channel for a team member when you first invite them to your organization. This eliminates one more setup step for that team member:

Bug Fixes and UX Improvements


  • Improved the Email Template selection dropdown when you click ‘Send an Email’ from the Team Inbox.
  • Conversation Parent Tags are expandable now. Previously, the long list of Conversation tags was difficult to navigate when filtering the Team Inbox conversations.
  • Custom Property inputs were reset once the contact was updated through an Import even though the import file did not contain columns for those custom properties. Now you can import any new customer data, and the previously saved custom properties will still be there.
  • If the Company Branding feature is no longer available, the custom domain will now redirect to
  • Growth Hacking feature fix: it was showing an error with code 400.
  • Outgoing Webhook fix: the payload format was not working with Slack.


  • Previously, customer engagements through the Auto Campaign were not recorded in activity logs. Now it’s recorded and will be shown in the separate Campaign tab:
  • Duplicates are now checked and removed when you select multiple tags or segments for a Campaign message.
  • Improved Campaign statistics to count unique end-users.
  • Fixed the Manual campaign sending issue when the state is changed from ‘draft.’
  • Email personalization fix: when the value is missing for custom properties, the attribute will be empty for the end customer.
  • Segment value fix: M is for a month, m is for a minute. For example, if you want to segment Leads created in the last month, you can do it with the following filters. Here now-1M filter any contacts that were created in the last 30 days counted from today:

But if you want to round up the month, you can write now-1M/M, which will round down to the nearest month. If today is Apr 30 and this filter is used, the segment will start counting from Mar 1, since it is the nearest full month:

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  • Not all Email Templates were loading when you were creating a Form confirmation email. Now it loads all available templates.

Boards and Pipelines

  • Once a card is moved to a different pipeline, the change wasn’t instant. Now it is updated in real-time.
  • Pipeline Filter by Company was not returning all possible results.
  • The Label colors can be customized with HEX color codes.
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  • Segment contact count was empty in the Contacts list if that segment is chosen as a parent segment. This created a recursive logic and the lack of count numbers for that segment.
  • Fixed the country flag images with new resources.


  • Once a user integrates a Facebook Messenger, the same user couldn’t integrate a Facebook Post.
  • The system wasn’t asking for an authentication renewal when the user clicked the ‘repair’ button even though their Facebook account password was changed.
  • Added SMS Deliveries monitoring feature on the Settings page. With this feature, you will see the statuses of individual SMS sent to a specific contact or as a Campaign:
  • Auto SMS Campaigns are now enabled with an adjustable limit for each runtime (Settings/System Config/Campaign Config). If the target count is within the limit, the campaign will be sent. Otherwise, it won’t run, and a proper message will be displayed in campaign detail page logs.

Global Profile

  • Couldn’t update the name on the Global Profile.
  • Couldn’t delete the default payment method. Now you can delete any payment methods.
  • Issues with purchasing a Team Member add-on are fixed.