Product Update | July 2021


Of all the actions performed, 97.85% were performed under 1 second. The longest duration of action performance was 44.4 sec. If you wish to see the technical release notes, please refer to our latest releases on GitHub.

What’s new?

Updated Navigation

As part of our UX improvement project, we overhauled the sidebar menu and the Settings page navigation.

CleanShot 2021-08-05 at 18.21.49.gif


  • Updated the icons on the top right and resized buttons with different sizes to make them consistent.
  • Updated the user profile dropdown navigation.


  • Updated the sidebar menu to be expandable, where you can see the feature’s name without hovering over the icon.
  • Grouped core features into different categories depending on the use case: Team Inbox, Contacts, Marketing, Sales, Support, Management. This new design will also help keep things less cluttered when rolling out new features in each category.
  • Added the associated settings in each category. For example, if you click on Tags under Contacts, you will go directly to the Contact Tags settings page.

Settings Main Page

  • Added new icons.
  • Made the header description area expandable.
  • Classified settings types into different groups depending on the use case.
    • General: the most basic and must-have settings
    • Team Members: all things related to Team Members.
    • Multipurpose: any settings that are used in two or more features
    • Feature: individual feature settings specific to that feature only
    • Monitoring: the lesser-used activity and status monitoring settings
  • Made the left sidebar UI the same across all settings detail pages.
erxes settings

Bug Fixes and UX Improvements


  • Added new words and phrases of recently developed features into Transifex. Transifex is the publicly accessible platform for contributing translations and localizing erxes for your country or region.
  • Only Latin letters are allowed in the team member’s username field. With this change, team members will be able to have consistent usernames across different languages and quickly find each other when mentioning in notes.
  • Fixed: customers couldn’t add experiment cards in the Growth Hacking feature.
  • Fixed: date picker for filtering Cards was not working on Safari.


  • You can see which contacts were skipped after sending a Campaign email from the Log section. These contacts are skipped and unsubscribed if they didn’t open a certain number of previously sent emails. This number can be set by going to Settings/System Config/Campaign Config/General Settings and changing the number under ALLOWED EMAIL SKIP LIMIT. If you accidentally set this number too low and your contact is not receiving emails, please change the EMAIL SKIP LIMIT in the Settings and Subscribed status in the individual Contact Profile. Unfortunately, bulk updating contacts’ subscriptions is not possible because of compliance issues.
  • Fixed: Manual Campaign emails were not sending.
  • Fixed: Personalization attributes were not working in Campaign email contents.