Zendesk Sunshine on erxes

It’s our pleasure to announce that Zendesk Sunshine (formerly known as smooch) is now successfully connected to erxes. It enables teams to reach out to customers where they are. Whether it be Viber, Facebook messenger, Whatsapp, WeChat, Line, Telegram, or Twilio! Here are a few examples of integrations available:

Check out the full list of available integrations here

With these integrations on erxes, you can unify messages from every channel into a single conversation, and build interactive messaging experiences for your customers.

How to integrate

  1. Before starting, it’s important to know that there is extra payment involved, so it’s worthwhile to check out the Zendesk Sunshine pricing.
  2. Then follow this this guide to set up the integrations.

Now you can access all your customer interactions from a single place – the erxes Team Inbox!

If you still haven’t tried erxes yet, install it here or try out the cloud version here.