erxes plugin
Products & Services
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Made by Erxes

Our Products and Services plugin is an essential tool to organize your business by having your complete product line and services stored in one place for easy access.


You can create and add an unlimited amount of products and services you offer so that you and your team members can edit and share this data with ease. You can now define your own columns and fields of information so that all the data related to your business is found in one place. The plugin also offers an easy to use custom filtering module that lets visitors sort by different criteria to find exactly what they're looking for. It saves you and your team valuable time to focus on your next goals.

Product and Service database

Create and store as much products and services offered in your database for easy access. All your products and services will be ready to view and information sharing.

Custom product and service

You can create custom products and services with as much information as possible, including product codes, cost of goods and inventory.

Interconnected business

Information sharing made easy for the entire business. All information access can be edited and shared within the organization for symbiotic communication.

Unique filters

Unique filters allow you to organize and find products efficiently and seamlessly. Filters and search engines improve productivity and saves time.


Store as many products and services as you wish

Add as many products and services you want and store them efficiently with all the related information.



Create custom products & services

Easily customize your account for your unique products and services. Add product codes, costs to produce, special notes, and much more.



Interconnect all the aspects of your business

Increase the synergy within your business by linking products and services with features like sales, conversations, tickets, and tasks.



Create custom filters

Creating unique filters allows you to organize and find specific products. With the help of a filter and search engine, you'll save time better spent on enjoying the fruits of your labor.




If you have any problems/questions concerning the plugin, please check out the Support forum in our website.


The Products & Services plugin is available at erxes marketplace for all users when you get started with erxes. It comes with the Cards plugin for free, as it’s one of the core plugins ERxes provides.

⚙️ Self-hosted client, please go to the plugin installation documentation to install the Cards plugin after installing the erxes XOS.

‍💻 SaaS clients, when you sign-up for erxes Products & Services plugin, it will be there already, so just go along with this guideline to get started with this plugin.



Before you start creating your products and services, you must ensure you have created your brands & channels.

To efficiently manage your customer communications when you have several brands and team units like departments or products/services in your organization, you must create brands and channels dedicated to those separate units.

  • Brands are usually linked to the source of communication channels dedicated to products and services.
  • Channels are usually linked to group team members dedicated to the particular channels like Sales, Marketing, etc.

To create brands.

To create channels.


You can manage your team members to access customer communication within permitted brands and channels.

The Products & Services plugin can be found in the settings section on the bottom left side of the screen. By selecting the Products & Services tab, you can access this plugin.

Step one. Configure your General Settings.

Before you create your products & services, you need to first go to the Setting Configs to configure some of the settings used for products & services information, for example, unit measures of products & services, the currency of pricing, and types of files to be uploaded for the products & services information.

Step two. Organize your products and services.

You need to carefully organize your porducts and services and decide how you would categorize and code them.

Step three. Create Products & Services.

🥳 Congratulations, you have successfully set up your Products & Services. Now, let’s start using it.


✌️ Enjoy your journey with the Products & Services plugin!

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