erxes plugin
Email Template
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Made by Erxes

The email template plugin will help you to create your email templates for your needs.


Professional email templates are a great starting point for any business to grow its email marketing efforts successfully. You can create an amazing email marketing campaign in minutes with a customizable, ready-made erxes email template.


You need the email template when you deliver the campaign

Using your desired email template, you can create as many campaigns as possible.

Automate your workflow using the email template

The Email template is also used with the Sales Pipeline/Task Management/Ticket plugins when you automate some of your work steps.


The Email plugin is available at erxes marketplace for all users when you get started with erxes. It comes with the Campaign plugin for free, as it’s one of the core plugins erxes provides.

⚙️ Self-hosted client, please go to the plugin installation documentation to install the Campaign template plugin after installing the erxes XOS.

‍💻 SaaS clients, when you sign-up for the Email template plugin, will be there already, so just follow this guideline to get started with this plugin.


The Email Template plugin can be found in the settings section on the bottom left side of the screen. By selecting the Email Template tab, you will be able to access to property plugin.


Step one. Creating email template


Step two. Manage email templates

  • Search your email template with the name
  • Edit/Delete/Duplicate the email template


👇 Now that you’re already created your email template, please go to the following use cases to learn more about how you can Email Template.

✌️ Enjoy your journey with the Email template plugin!

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