We’re delighted to announce our upcoming erxes XOS v1.0 launch at the Product Hunt on 10th Nov.

Dec 2021, we made a huge decision that would affect our entire product architecture and all existing features as we needed a better way to maintain the smooth operation of all our functionality, so we went back to starting everything from scratch and redesigned the product architecture & UX from the ground up for the XOS 1.0 launch. And we’re about to launch our XOS v 1.0 launch, the biggest news to announce.

And we’d love it if you could visit our Product Hunt launch and show us some support on the launch day!

XOS is what we do now

We started erxes with the mission of making marketing technology accessible for all companies at any stage, including the ones in their early days. 

Though due to marketing being inextricably linked to other aspects of business such as finance, core operations, and human resources, we’ve ended up expanding our business scope to include many additional features and improvements that are non-marketing upon the request of our clients. We now have CXM (customer experience management), EXM (employee experience management), PXM (product experience management), which goes on and on…

This is why, today, you can not fully define erxes as marketing software anymore. It is now an experience operating system.

Brand new vision to announce 

erxes vision

And now, our mission is to create a real and life-changing experience for everyone. The perfect combination of many different experiences can build any successful business. XOS is the core infrastructure of every unique experience that overlaps with one another. Better experiences, a better life for everyone. 

Bootstrap enterprise-focused OS project to community-driven one

We chose to be an open-source software since day one as our goal to make marketing technology accessible for everyone, though both our product and focus were not heading that way. Because we’ve been bootstrapping as we had to work extra hard to prove that we’re the right startup to receive the fund to support our work from investors. 

After +58 enterprise clients, +60 new features, +480 Active SaaS signups, and +1M installs, +$2.8M raised in the pre-seed round, we began to realize it was time to focus on the community. 

“Plugins-based” architecture

The solution to every challenge we’ve been facing leads us to head to this road, which is: 

Plugin-based architecture reason

License changed

Since we’re focused on making the developer experience better, we’ve taken off the multiple layers of our previous license and changed it to AGPLv3 with the Enterprise Edition from “fair-code distributed GPLv3 with common clause“. 

The AGPL’s terms are almost identical to the GPL’s; the sole substantive difference is that it has an extra condition to ensure that people who use the software over a network can get the source code for it.”


We’re also super excited to release our Marketplace, where you can learn about all of the plugins erxes provides, as well as place your plugins and earn income for the sales. 

Plugins are features that can work independently to fulfill the particular purpose of enterprises/developers, such as sales pipeline, delivery, etc. We have 30+ plugins on our marketplace right now, and more plugins will be added daily. 

You can also develop your plugins to place them in the Marketplace. So, that can increase the source of your revenue. 

The plugins in the erxes Marketplace are divided into the following categories:

  • Plugins are the features that can work independently to fulfill a particular purpose.
  • Addons are the sub-features/integrations that can work with plugins to enhance their experience.
  • Services include all services provided by the erxes team to create your unique experiences with erxes.
  • Power up is to boost your usage of plugins in your SaaS organization. This applies only to the SaaS plan. 

Each plugin has;

  • dependent plugins, which can not work without them, 
  • additional plugins that can work to bring out better experiences.

This will allow you to create your unique experiences using the plugins you need. You will see many use cases of each plugin that can help you learn what you can do with a combination of different plugins.  

Updated UX & UI

With the urgency of converting all to plugin-based versions, the entire erxes team has to plan an extensive three-quarter action plan that includes a massive redesigning and development work  as well as negotiation with our enterprise client not to pursue any additional features during this time but didn’t stop supporting them. 

We went back to redesigning the architecture of the software and re-structuring the features with greater empathy for the user experience. Eventually, we converted a huge amount of features to plugins. This turned into a complete design and user experience overhaul, and we were just super excited to see the result of how it turned out to be. 

Updated Website & Resources

Since many major changes are occurring within erxes almost entirely, our product and development team went back from start to re-designing our website and presenting a new way of defining ourselves with lightning speed. 

The redesigned website gives you a more clear look and feel but is also structured to be more informative and user-friendlier than before. That includes recently updated developer documentation and the user guide. There is still much to do with documentation, and we hope you can help us make it better.

Also, erxes design system & UI/UX kit are now open-source for everyone, and it’s more than welcome for you to contribute to it.

We’d appreciate it if you could share your thought and feedback across Product Hunt or in any way that you can, as well as starring us on GitHub and following us on Twitter. 

Come along with us on our XOS journey!